Does my cat have fleas? Here are the signs to look out for

April 21, 2024

As pet owners, we strive to provide the best possible care for our feline friends, but sometimes even the most diligent cat parents may overlook one common issue: fleas. These tiny parasites can quickly become a nuisance for both cats and their human companions. In this article from the veterinary team at Avenues Vets, we’ll explore the signs that your cat may have fleas and what you can do to help keep them comfortable and flea-free.

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Five signs your cat may have fleas

  1. Excessive scratching and grooming: According to veterinary surgeon Nicola Armstrong, one of the most common signs of a flea infestation in cats is excessive scratching, biting, or licking of the skin. If you notice your cat constantly grooming themselves or scratching at certain areas of their body, particularly around the neck, head, or base of the tail, it could be a sign that fleas are present.
  2. Visible fleas or flea dirt: Fleas are small, fast-moving insects that can be challenging to spot, especially in cats with dense fur. However, you may be able to detect them by parting your cat’s fur and looking for tiny, dark brown insects crawling close to the skin. Additionally, you may notice small dark specks, known as flea dirt, on your cat’s fur or bedding. Flea dirt is actually flea faeces composed of digested blood and is a telltale sign of flea infestation. Ask the team at our Glasgow vet practice about the best type of flea comb to help you with this task.
  3. Skin irritation and redness: Flea bites can cause irritation and even allergic reactions in some cats, leading to redness, inflammation, and even hair loss in severe cases. If you notice any signs of skin irritation or dermatitis in your cat, Nicola advises that you should consider fleas as a potential cause.
  4. Restlessness and irritability: Cats with fleas may exhibit signs of restlessness, irritability, or discomfort, especially if the infestation is severe. They may be more agitated than usual and may have difficulty relaxing or sleeping peacefully.
  5. Presence of tapeworms: Fleas can transmit tapeworm eggs to cats, leading to the development of tapeworm infections. If you notice small, rice-like segments around your cat’s bottom or in their faeces, it could indicate a tapeworm infestation secondary to flea exposure.

Order flea treatment from us

Nicola recommends that if you suspect your cat has fleas, you should take action promptly to address the infestation and provide relief for your furry friend. Order vet recommended prescription-only flea treatment from Avenues Vets to help eliminate fleas from your cat’s environment and prevent future infestations. We offer a variety of safe and effective flea control products designed specifically for cats.

Nicola and the rest of our experienced veterinary team can provide personalised recommendations for flea treatment based on your cat’s individual needs and lifestyle.

Don’t let fleas disrupt your cat’s life, order flea treatment from us today. If you have any questions or concerns about fleas or flea control, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team.

Order your cat’s flea treatment

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